introduction to LGBTIQA+
The essential starting point or refresher for those looking to get the basics down pat. What does LGBTIQA+ stand for? How do we use pronouns? What does the research say? Learn all this and more in our introductory workshop.
Pre-Workshop Survey: A short survey circulated to your team, capturing existing levels of knowledge, as well as anonymous questions. We'll use this information to tailor the focus and delivery of our content to ensure it's highly relevant and impactful.
Post-Workshop Survey: We'll gather anonymous responses that provide honest feedback on the workshop, as well as how your team members would like to be supported moving forward.
Feedback Report: Based on the responses we receive, we'll create a detailed report for you to review, including our expert recommendations for next steps beyond the workshop.
• To understand the language and terminology associated with the LGBTIQA+ community.
• To feel confident when using/introducing/asking for gender pronouns.
• To learn how to manage honest language errors.
• To develop empathy for the day-to-day experiences of LGBTIQA+ people.
• To become familiar with the latest research findings on LGBTIQA+ people in Australia.
• To learn practical strategies for becoming a stronger LGBTIQA+ ally.
• To receive answers to questions relating to the LGBTIQA+ communities.
Length: 3 hours
Format: In person, online or hybrid
Cost: Prices vary according to group size and delivery format. Get in touch for a quote. -
This workshop is all about growing your confidence and comfort to engage in discussions regarding the LGBTIQA+ community.
We take the judgment out of the conversation and guide participants on a journey through language, research, personal stories and allyship strategies.Interactive and conversational, participants are engaged throughout the workshop via group discussions, breakout activities and regular Q&A segments.
understanding trans & gender diversity
Explore the full gender spectrum and take a deep dive into the day-to-day experiences of trans and gender diverse (TGD) folks in Australia.
Pre-Workshop Survey: A short survey circulated to your team, capturing existing levels of knowledge, as well as anonymous questions. We'll use this information to tailor the focus and delivery of our content to ensure it's highly relevant and impactful.
Post-Workshop Survey: We'll gather anonymous responses that provide honest feedback on the workshop, as well as how your team members would like to be supported moving forward.
Feedback Report: Based on the responses we receive, we'll create a detailed report for you to review, including our expert recommendations for next steps beyond the workshop.
• To understand the language and terminology surrounding TGD community.
• To gain a deeper awareness of the social pressures and norms surrounding gender.
• To better understand the complexities of a gender transition / affirmation.
• To feel confident when using / introducing / asking for gender pronouns.
• To develop empathy for the day-to-day experiences of TGD people.
• To become familiar with the latest research findings on TGD people in Australia.
• To learn practical strategies for supporting TGD people.
• To receive answers to questions relating to the TGD community.
Length: 3 hours
Format: In person, online or hybrid
Cost: Prices vary according to group size and delivery format. Get in touch for a quote. -
From gender expression to gender affirmation, this workshop builds on our Introduction to LGBTIQA+ workshop to explore the reality of gender beyond the binary.
Participants engage in conversations and activities regarding the norms and pressures surrounding gender and how our understanding of gender has changed as a society over time.
Deepen your understanding of trans and gender diverse experiences and learn how to support those in your life who are affirming their gender identities.
How can we foster a workplace culture that embodies and promotes LGBTIQA+ inclusion and allyship?
Pre-Workshop Survey: A short survey circulated to your team, capturing existing levels of knowledge, as well as anonymous questions. We'll use this information to tailor the focus and delivery of our content to ensure it's highly relevant and impactful.
Post-Workshop Survey: We'll gather anonymous responses that provide honest feedback on the workshop, as well as how your team members would like to be supported moving forward.
Feedback Report: Based on the responses we receive, we'll create a detailed report for you to review, including our expert recommendations for next steps beyond the workshop.
• To deepen our understanding of the language and terminology surrounding the LGBTIQA+ community.
• To develop empathy for the day-to-day experiences of LGBTIQA+ people in workplaces.
• To learn how to identify micro-aggressions and other forms of LGBTIQA+ discrimination in the workplace.
• To reflect on workplace policies and processes through an LGBTIQA+ lens.
• To learn practical strategies for allyship in the workplace.
• To identify ways to create a more inclusive workplace culture.
• To receive answers to questions relating to the LGBTIQA+ community.
Length: 3 hours
Format: In person, online or hybrid
Cost: Prices vary according to group size and delivery format. Get in touch for a quote. -
This workshop is for teams and leaders who have already completed our Introduction to LGBTIQA+ workshop and are looking to deepen their understanding of LGBTIQA+ experiences in workplaces.
Tailored to your industry and organisation, participants harness the power of real life stories and current research to reflect on barriers to inclusion while also collaborating on strategies to advance allyship in the workplace.
supporting LGBTIQA+ young people
What’s the experience like for young LGBTIQA+ people navigating society today, and what can we do to support them on their journey?
Pre-Workshop Survey: A short survey circulated to your team, capturing existing levels of knowledge, as well as anonymous questions. We'll use this information to tailor the focus and delivery of our content to ensure it's highly relevant and impactful.
Post-Workshop Survey: We'll gather anonymous responses that provide honest feedback on the workshop, as well as how your team members would like to be supported moving forward.
Feedback Report: Based on the responses we receive, we'll create a detailed report for you to review, including our expert recommendations for next steps beyond the workshop.
• To understand the language and terminology associated with the LGBTIQA+ communities.
• To become familiar with the latest Australian-based research findings on LGBTIQA+ young people.
• To develop empathy for the day-to-day experiences of LGBTIQA+ young people at school and at home.
• To learn how to share and ask for pronouns in an educational setting.
• To learn how to manage honest language errors in educational and home settings.
• To learn practical strategies for becoming a stronger LGBTIQA+ ally to young people.
• To receive answers to questions relating to the LGBTIQA+ young people.
Length: 3 hours
Format: In person, online or hybrid
Cost: Prices vary according to group size and delivery format. Get in touch for a quote. -
Designed for teachers and youth workers who have completed An Introduction to LGBTIQA+, this workshop deep dives into the experiences of young LGBTIQA+ people navigating society, family life and educational settings.
What’s appropriate to discuss with young people and how can we empower them to express themselves in safe ways?
We take a look at the real stories of young LGBTIQA+ people and collaborate on strategies to support those in our own lives.

“Our team learnED so much about LGBTIQA+ identities and how we can be more inclusive. We’re excited to continue our work together.”
“Queer Town’s workshop was one of the most important workshops I’ve ever attended, personally and as an HR director.”
Schedule a chat to explore our offerings with Alex, Queer Town’s Head of Partnerships and Operations. Alex has weekly slots available to jump online for 30 mins, no obligations. We’d love to help!